

Azure basic points

 Create VM 

Step 1.- 1st Create Resource group.

Step 2.- 2nd Create Virtual Machine.

Q0. define IAAS, PAAS, SAAS

Q0. Every Availability reason has minimum 3 Zone.

Q1. Every Availability Zone has minimum 2 Data Center.

Q2. What is Capture image 

Ans. It is a copy file of VM which provide clone data of VM.

reason for creating Capture image 1. backup, 2. reusability of VM.

Q3. What are the various models available for cloud deployment?

Ans. Public, Private, Hybrid Cloud

Public Cloud: In this model, the cloud infrastructure is owned publicly by the cloud provider and there are chances that the server resources could be shared between multiple applications.

Private Cloud: Here, the cloud infrastructure is owned exclusively by us or exclusive service is provided by the cloud provider to us.

This includes hosting our applications on our own on-premise servers or hosting the application on a dedicated server provided by the cloud provider.

Hybrid Cloud: As the name itself says, this model is the hybrid combination of private cloud and the public cloud.

This might include the scenario of using on-premise servers for processing confidential, sensitive data and using public cloud features for hosting public-facing applications.

Q4. Define role instance in Azure.

A role instance is nothing but a virtual machine where the application code runs with the help of running role configurations. 

There can also be multiple instances of a role as per the definition in the cloud service configuration files.

Q5. How many cloud service roles are provided by Azure?

Cloud service roles comprise a set of application and configuration files. 

There are 2 kinds of roles provided by Azure:

Web role: This provides a dedicated web server belonging to IIS (Internet Information Services) that is used for automatic deployment and hosting of front-end websites.

Worker role: These roles help the applications hosted within them to run asynchronously for longer durations and are independent of the user interactions and generally do not use IIS. 

They are also ideal for performing background processes. The applications are run in a standalone manner.

6. Why is Azure Diagnostics API needed?

Azure Diagnostics API helps us collect diagnostic data such as performance monitoring, system event logs, etc from the applications that are running on Azure.

For the verbose monitoring of the data, Azure Diagnostics has to be enabled for the cloud service roles.

The diagnostics data can be used for building visual chart representations for better monitoring and also for creating performance metric alerts.

7. Define Azure Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

The Azure SLA is a contract that ensures or guarantees that when two or more role instances of a role are deployed on Azure, access to that cloud service is guaranteed for at least 99.95% of the time.

It also states that if the role instance process is not in the running state, then the detection of such processes and corrective action for the same will be taken 99.9% percent of the time.

If the mentioned guarantees are not satisfied at any point in time, then Azure credits a percentage of monthly fees to us depending on the pricing model of the respective Azure services.

8. What is Azure Resource Manager?

Azure Resource Manager is a service provided by Azure to provide management and application deployment in Azure.

The resource manager provides the management layer that helps the developer to create, modify or delete the resources in the Azure subscription account. 

This feature comes in handy when we have requirements like managing access controls, locks, ensuring the security of the resources post-deployment, and organization of those resources.

9. What is NSG?

NSG stands for Network Security Group that has a list of ACL (Access Control List) rules which either allows/denies network traffic to subnets or NICs (Network Interface Card) connected to a subnet or both. 

When NSG is linked with a subnet, then the ACL rules are applied to all the Virtual Machines in that subnet. 

Azure basic points Azure basic points Reviewed by Rikesh on October 18, 2024 Rating: 5

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